Linda Briggs

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Woman's Own: 7th August 2006

Cosmetic Surgery story


Pages 18 & 19 of Women's Own 7th August 2006

Weigh up the risks
Rachel and Caroline may be pleased with their results, but there are risks in going abroad. Linda Briggs, the UK's leading independent cosmetic surgery adviser, says, 'Anyone going abroad for cosmetic surgery needs to find out everything they can about their surgeon, and preferably have a consultation in the UK beforehand. We vet every surgeon on our books thoroughly, and they all come to the UK regularly to see porential clients.'

Adriaan Grobbelaar, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, warns, 'Cheap can turn out to be expensive: if things need to be put right, patients may have to fly back. Altemarively, they may have to pay a surgeon in the UK to review the procedure. It's also very difficult to hold a surgeon accountable at long distance.


• BAAPS (020 7405 2234;

• Linda Briggs (

• Department of Hearth

(020 7210 4850;

(020 7210 4850;

Weigh up the risks
Rachel and Caroline may be pleased with their results, but there are risks in going abroad. Linda Briggs, the UK's leading independent cosmetic surgery adviser, says, 'Anyone going abroad for cosmetic surgery needs to find out everything they can about their surgeon, and preferably have a consultation in the UK beforehand. We vet every surgeon on our books thoroughly, and they all come to the UK regularly to see porential clients.'

Adriaan Grobbelaar, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, warns, 'Cheap can turn out to be expensive: if things need to be put right, patients may have to fly back. Altemarively, they may have to pay a surgeon in the UK to review the procedure. It's also very difficult to hold a surgeon accountable at long distance.


• BAAPS (020 7405 2234;

• Linda Briggs (

• Department of Hearth

(020 7210 4850;

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