Linda Briggs

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Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry in Budapest Hungary
Linda Briggs in Budapest Hungary - Eye Correction Surgery in Budapest


Price List | Prices from:

   General Optometry

Eligibility examination prior to laser surgery

free of charge

Examination for patients with diabetes


General examination with pupil dilation


General examination with OCT

OCT examination  

Vision examination for work including visual fields analysis   

Consultation check up  

Lacrymal sac washout for adults 


Glaucoma checkup (advisable every 3 months)


Glaucoma checkup and visual field analysis (advisable every year) 


Glaucoma checkup, visual field and OCT examination (advisable every year):


Planning and determining artificial lenses 


Visual field analysis                     


Corneal thickness examination (Pachymetry)



  Surgeries | Lens surgeries


Cataract surgery with phacoemulsification including single focus (IQ) artificial lens implementation


Cataract surgery with phacoemulsification with astygmia correcting Toric type artificial lens implementation


Cataract surgery with phacoemulsification including multifocal, AcrySof ReSTOR type artificial lens implementation


Cataract surgery with phacoemulsification including multifocal, Acrysof ReSTOR Toric type artificial lens implementation


Postoperative checkup the day after and one week after cataract surgeries



   Laser eye treatment


Personalized vision correction treatment with excimer laser cPRK or LASEK


FemtoLasik laser vision correction


Checkups following laser treatment (for 6 months


Argon-laser treatment for 25% of the macula


Argon-laser treatment for the full area of the macula


Iridectomy with YAG laser


YAG capsulotomy – post cataract


Excision of Pterygium



   Cosmetic Eye Surgeries


Minor eye surgeries – chalazion, xanthalasma, etc


Squint correction


Squint correction +1


Removal of eyelid tumor


Ectopion/Entropion of the lower eyelid


Correction of Ptosis with sutures


Correction of Ptosis with silicone




Terms& conditions

Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 7 March 2019