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The Sun - Christine's gastric band and body lift - December 2010
Text and extra pictures below.  Also, how to find out who the world leader in body lifting surgery is, that did Christine's surgery.

Christine's body lift

I had three metres of skin removed and lost 13st... it's party time!


ASHMED of her size 28 figure that was more Christmas pudding than cracker, Christine Morris always shied away from festive fun.

But the lonely divorcee decided to take drastic action the day she had to have her car seatbelt extended to fit around her 24 stone frame - only for the seat to break under the strain.

Now, Christine, 41 has lost 13 st and had three square meters (9 ft 9in) of skin cut off just to go to her works Christmas party- the first she has been to in 23 years.

She had a gastric band fitted, followed by a full body lift to remove all the saggy skin from her arms, stomach, boobs and bottom which left her looking like a giant jelly.

Christine who is 5ft 4ins now weighs 11 stone - and is more than ready to make up for lost time.

She said, ‘I can’t wait to hit the dance floor this year.  I’ve always been too fat to dance so just stayed at home eating instead.  Now I finally have a body I can move'.

‘I lost 12 stone in a year thanks to my gastric band, but I was still too fat to go out because of all the excess skin I’d been left with.

It took two men eight hours to cut it all off.’

‘I’ve sacrificed a lot to get here, but it’s all been worth it.  Now I can’t wait to go to the party like everyone else.  I’ll feel like Cinderella at the ball.’  This is going to be my best Christmas ever."

Before her transformation, the care worker from Oxford, would spend Christmas Eve and New Years Eve in her pyjamas eating chocolate.

Christine had always struggled with her weight, but when her marriage of 11 years broke down in 2005 she topped 23 stone.

She said, ‘Friends would ask me to go out with them, but I always refused.  I’d felt too fat to go out when I was married, now I was even bigger,’

All diets had failed, so at the end of 2008, Christine decided to have a £4,000 gastric band operation in Tunisia, paying for it out of her savings.

‘My sister Tricia was worried sick.  After losing mum and dad we only had each other left.  She told me I was risking my life.  I honestly didn’t care though, because I knew I didn’t want to go on as I was, so I had nothing to lose.  If it didn’t work, I would want to die anyway.’

‘There was no pain, just a small incision.  But I could feel the difference immediately.  I wasn’t hungry and when I did eat, just a few mouthfuls of watery soup filled me up.’

She lost an astonishing 14lb in the first week, swapping slabs of chocolate and take aways for mini portions of chicken and vegetables.

She added, "Before I’d be able to eat a large bag of chips and still be hungry, but now just one roast potato left me feeling full.  It was fantastic and the weight kept dropping off.’

‘People were congratulating me and there was no denying I felt a million times better ,but what they didn’t know was that the success on the scales had left me with a new problem."

Just 12 months after the op, she had lost 10 st and was soon down to 13st 7 lbs, but she had huge folds of skin.  It made her look bigger than she actually was and would jiggle if she tried to run or dance.  It was worst around her tummy, where the skin hung like a huge apron, even concealing the tops of her legs.

She said , " My breasts looked awful too, without the fat to hide them they were all misshaped and wonky. ’‘Having come so far and got so close I just couldn’t give up,’

Christine needed a full body lift but again the £30,000 cost in the UK was way out of budget.

So earlier this year she told cosmetic plastic surgery adviser Linda Briggs about her predicament.

Linda had just been asked by surgeons in Tunisia to find a patient willing to be operated on and pictured for training purposes in return for a huge discount.

Christine said; ‘The thought of lots of people seeing my disgusting body actually made me shake, but I knew it was the only way I could afford to get rid of the skin so I agreed,

She paid £10,00 for the op.

Two surgeons spent eight hours trimming rolls of fat from her arms, stomach, back and breasts while another took pictures to use in the teaching of medical students.

In total, they removed an incredible three metres of skin weighing two stone.

Christine said; ‘The pain was nothing compared to the elation I felt when I looked down and all that skin was gone.  I had started the day weighing 13 stone and ended it weighing 11 stone,

‘I won’t lie, the scars are big but they are worth it.  Before I looked as though I was wearing a fat suit.  Now it’s gone forever and I can start a new life.

16 weeks on, Christine has been shopping for a size 14 party dress.

She said, ‘I’ve spent too many years at home in my PJs when everyone else has been having a good time.  This is my year to shine and I’m going to do it in the tightest, most sparkliest dress I can find.

‘I’m not telling my story to show off or gloat.  I’ve been at rock bottom and I know how it feels.  I just want to reach out to all those overweight men and women who are making New Year vows to change and tell them it can be done.

‘Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could change, now I’ve done it and it still feels like a dream.  Sometimes I wake up and forget I’v e lost the weight.

‘In fact, I still automatically go to the outsize section and buy black tent dresses because old habits die- hard.

"I did this to inspire others.   If I can do it, so can you

For more information about gastric band surgery and body lifts go to
Additional reporting Kelly Strange.

Glitzy hit ... Christine Morris in her party dress

Christine above, ready for the party

Christine before the body lift surgery

Christine marked up ready for surgery to remove excess skin

Click here for details about the gastric band option Christine used.

Christine's left arm marked up ready for body lifting with surgeon's hand taking measurements

before arm lifting, part of the body lift


after arm lifting, part of the body lifting

Christine's right arm
after body lifting

For information about the surgeon who did Christine's body lift,
click here for a CV

The surgeon works in both France and Tunisia and his prices can be
found here  Some more examples of his work can be found here


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