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Linda Briggs

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Linda Briggs Cosmetic Surgery & Dentistry
That's life magazine - 31st March 2011

Linda Briggs provided case studies and advice for this feature and permission was given by the publishers to reproduce it on Linda Briggs web site.

Michelle having a breast reduction and her mum having a face lift in Tunisia
.  Read the text below the picture .

Cosmetic surgery in Tunisia

Cosmetic surgery in Tunisia

Opening the envelope, I took out the photos from my son Alex's christening and looked at my mum Irene in horror. 'We look dreadful!' I cried.

I'd taken ages choosing my blue top and skirt, and on the day I'd felt every inch the yummy mummy.

Now though, I thought I looked awful.  My whopping 36J boobs were straining to escape, spilling out over the low neckline and dwarfing Alex's head.

'Whatever must the vicar have thought!' I exclaimed, ashamed.

'Well, I don't look any better,' Mum, 48, sighed.

I had to agree.  On the day, she'd tried to be a glamorous gran in her new trouser suit — in the photos she looked anything but.

Before cosmetic surgery in Tunisia

With her gloomy face, saggy eyes and down-turned smile, she looked miserable.

'You'd think I was at a funeral, not a christening,' she moaned.

It was true.  Mum's face didn't match her real emotions.  Ever since I was a teenager, she'd hated her looks.

'If only I could afford to have something done,' she'd say wistfully as we watched makeover shows on TV together.

The lines round her mouth made her look sad and she grew tired of well-meaning friends telling her to 'cheer up'.

'You look fine,' I'd reassure her.  And of course, she'd say the same to me about my boobs.

They'd always been big.  But after having Alex I'd gone up from a 34GG to a back-breaking 36J.  Dresses were a no-no as my chest was out of proportion on I my size-18 frame.

I even had difficulty breastfeeding.  My boobs were too big for Ale x to latch onto.

'Please, you've got to do something,' I'd begged the doctor when Alex had been a few weeks old.  Only, I'd been ref used surgery on the NHS.  And there was just no way I could afford a private breast reduction.

'Don't upset yourself,' Mum had said.  'Maybe they'll shrink back in time.'

But I'd resigned myself to the fact I'd be stuck with massive boobs for life.

However, no matter what white lies Mum and I had told each other, thanks to the christening pictures the truth was now here for all to see.  And it wasn’t pretty.

A few weeks later, Mum and I were chatting.  ' I've booked to go to a seminar organised by
Linda Briggs, a cosmetic surgery adviser,' she announced.

'You're not going on your own, are you?'  I asked, horror stories of 'nip and tucks' filling my head.  'I'll come with you.'

The following week, as we filed into the room, I was apprehensive.  What if they were these bogus doctors you hear about?

Only, as
one of the surgeons gave a talk, I began to warm to him.  He seemed to really know his stuff.  St ill, it wasn't until he mentioned breast reductions that my ears really pricked up...

As soon as he'd finished, I dragged Mum over to see him.  'Do you think you could do anything about these?'  I as ked, thrusting my chest in his face.

'Yes,' he said. 'Of course,'

He explained that if we flew out to Tunisia, he could operate on both of us on the same day for a fraction of what we'd pay here in the UK.

'Let's do it!' Mum squealed, grabbing me excitedly.

'Why not?' I said. 'We've waited long enough.'

Moments later we were signing on the dotted line.  'I can't believe we're doing this!' Mum giggled.

She booked in for a face, eye and neck lift with cheek fillers for the grand total of £10,000, while I signed up for a breast reduction and uplift that would cost me the bargain price of £5,000.

Even better, for that amount we were both getting full body liposuction thrown in too.  Mum used some of the after losing her job, while I used my inheritance from my dad.

'He'd have wanted me to spend it on something that would make me happy,' I said to Mum.

'And he'd be glad we were doing this together and looking after each other,' she agreed.

Three months later it was time to say goodbye.  I hated leaving Alex but I knew he'd be in safe hands with his godmother, my friend Emma.

'Mummy will be back soon,' I promised, kissing him.

He was too young to know why I was going, but I was sure I was doing the right thing.  If I was happier in myself, he'd benefit too.

Next I hugged Emma. 'You won't recognise me when I come back!' I joked.

Later, Mum and I boarded the plane and two and half  hours on, we landed in the exotic Tunisian sunshine.  We headed for the clinic, ready for surgery the next day.

I was excited but scared too. What if something went wrong?

Mum was wheeled down first.  From my bed, I squeezed her hand.  'Good luck,' I whispered.

'You too,' she said nervously.

Then I was whisked off.

Five hours later we emerged together, covered in bandages.  'How are you ?' I croaked.  'I've felt better,' Mum admitted, her face puffy and hidden by deep purple bruises.  'Me too,' I grinned weakly.  We looked like two Egyptian mummies wrapped so tightly in bandages.

I looked down at my chest.  I d already see my breasts were much smaller.   Not only that, for the first time since I was in my teens, they were sitting pertly under my chin!

'They look tiny' I said to Mum, even though they were still a sizeable FF-cup.

The next day we felt much better.  The surgeon came to check on us and told us both ops had been a success.

'Between you, I sucked away almost 10 litres of fat!' he exclaimed.

'Wow!  There'll be nothing left of me at this rat e! I laughed.

After three days, I got a proper look at my new boobs.  They were a bit battered and bruised, but size-wise they were just perfect.

Soon we were well enough to hit the sunbeds on the beach.

We looked ridiculous all black and blue in our body stockings and bandages, but we couldn't stop grinning at each other.

I pointed to a bronzed beauty strutting around in her tiny bikini.  'That'll be us next year!' I said.

'You bet,' Mum grinned.

The following day we flew back to the UK, two brand-new women.

I couldn't wait to see Alex.  He didn't seem to notice anything different about me, except the huge smile I had plastered on my face.  But he definitely clocked the way Mum's face lit up with happiness whenever she saw him.

As the days passed, our bodies continued to change.  Over the next few weeks, thanks to the liposuction, I shrank from a rounded size 18 to a trim size 14.  Mum went down a dress size too..

Two months after our ops, my cousin was getting .married so we had the perfect excuse to show off our dramatic transformations. 'You look incredible!' relatives shrieked as they crowded round me and Mum at the wedding.   'I didn't recognise you!' my cousin said, visibly shocked, as I flounced around in a perfectly fitting size-14 dress.  'I thought you were sisters.'' a friend of  the bride gasped when we told her

And not one person told Mum to cheer up!

Afterwards, we couldn't wait to see the photos.  And for the first time ever, they didn't disappoint.   They were the perfect reminder of a great day.  We looked glamorous and gorgeous, just as we'd hoped.

At last Mum has the happy face she's always dreamt of and I feel content with my boobs.

Some people say surgery should always be the last resort.  But Mum and I wish we'd had it earlier.  This summer we'll be the ones parading around the beach, showing off our brilliant bodies!


For more information on Michelle and Irene's cosmetic surgery, visit


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