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Linda Briggs solutions for Bingo wings - Brachioplasty or arm lift


bingo wings before surgery

bingo wings after surgery


Read about Kath's arm

See where Kath went to sort out her bingo wings.  Linda Briggs has plenty of other options to sort out bingo wings.

See Linda Briggs options for
places to go for problem arms

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Read about Christine's
arm lift and body lift arranged by Linda Briggs

An arm lift, or Brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove loose skin and excess fat in the upper arms.
Or, to get rid of your bingo wings.  Excess skin on the underside of the upper arms is often the result of a pregnancy, an extreme weight loss or aging.  An arm lift, also known as Brachioplasty, can be the solution for loss of skin elasticity or excess skin.  You will end up with a scar you have to decide whether to have the loose skin or the scar.

The arm lift is a standard surgical procedure mainly for aesthetic reasons.  The surgery takes two hours and is done under general anaesthesia.  An arm lift procedure involves excess skin removal, mostly on the inside of the upper arm, making the skin tighter again.  An arm lift is often combined with liposculpture , a procedure where subcutaneous fatty tissue is taken away.

As we get older, the upper arm skin can become loose and flabby and is commonly called "bingo wings"  Sometimes it's possible to correct these with only liposuction, but in bad cases it may be necessary to have a combination of both.

After the surgery, the cosmetic surgeon applies a bandage or compression garment . Two or three weeks after the arm lift, the garment can be removed and if dissolvable stitches were used they will have all gone.  For four weeks after the arm lift surgery, heavy lifting should be avoided.

To make the scar less visible, the excess skin is removed on the inside of the upper arm. Usually the scar goes from the armpit to the elbow and it can be reddish and knobby during the first few months.   The length of the scar is determined by the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed and the cosmetic surgeon will advise you of the expected length of your scar at the consultation.  A year after the arm lift the scars will fade and become smoother. Till then, the scar needs to be protected against the sun.


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Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 5 October 2018