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Linda Briggs

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Cosmetic Surgery in Wisconsin USA
Cosmetic Surgery
in Wisconsin, USA

A patient's review on going to Wisconsin for cosmetic surgery

Wisconsin Motel for patients to stay in

Hi Linda,

I got back home today having stayed in Wisconsin for 12 days to make sure I had the correct support.  I am still very swollen around the eyes ( i had a lower eye lift) and I look far worse than i did before the op.  It has been just over 2 weeks since the op.

I look like michael jackson after bad surgery, but i know Dr Yousif is a brilliant surgeon so Im hoping the swelling will go down soon and that i will be pleased.  Make up makes me look worse and mask like.

I went to New York from Wisconsin to ensure i did some sight seeing so the op was 17 days ago now.  I shall attach photos of the choices of apartments to stay (which were opposite the Drs surgery and wellness centre so ideal from that respect)

Bathroom in the motel

The dr was extremely kind as was Laura and i saw 1 or other most days i was in Wisconsin, which would be reassuring for patients.  I shall include photos of the room i had, which although it fazed me before the op, it was ideal for recovery as it had a recliner chair, fridge ( patients can stock up on yogurts, ice cream, mash soft fruits, milk etc and there's a microwave so microwave dinners means you dont need to leave the room.  Internet access is free, just ensure you have the correct plug/adaptor or buy one from the local hardware store 10 minute walk from the apartment.

Fridge, Microwave and open rail for cloths

The supermarket is also 10 mins walk from the apartment and ill include a photo. it would be good to hire a car to access other places, but as long as you have books to read and you enjoy tv and want a total rest then the motel is ok -there is a hotel opposite which is slightly dearer and ill include photos.

Recliner in the motel room

The motel room was larger than the normal hotel room, the shower was excellent and so was the bathroom.  If you aren’t used to being on your own it could be lonely.  i had a free pedicure from the wellness spa and the people there were enthusing about the doctor and his reputation in America.

At the moment I regret the surgery but i pray that will soon change as the 2 girls i met in London were so thrilled with theirs and all the photos i saw encouraged me.  Thank you for the lovely card that i came home to.

The Great Western hotel across the road




Shopping Mall in Milwaukee


Shopping Mall


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Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 10 April 2019