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Before and After pictures - Reconstruction  ::  Breast implant replacements


This patient had breast implants for 28 years before they were replaced.

She was never happy with the results but because she was very young, didn't like to go back to the English surgeon and complain.  As we all know, children come and go, along with husbands and we all struggle for money until everyone leaves home and we can finally spend money on ourselves.  So the patient decided to look for some replacements.

The surgeon was shocked to see that the implants had migrated upwards.

front view 28 year old implants not in the right position.

Before surgery - Migrating breast implants

Side view of 28 year old implants in the wrong position

These implants were never positioned correctly and have also migrated over 28 years

What the surgeon did to repair the damage
The implants encapsulated shortly after being put in, but the patient could not afford to do anything about it at the time.  The patient saw her new French surgeon for a personal consultation and then arrangements were made for surgery to take place in January 2006.

The implants were removed and the breast had to be re-modeled by placing the new implants under the muscle.  The old implants were placed under the gland and were very difficult to remove.  It was very hard to remove the implants especially as the silicone had ruptured in one breast, causing Axilla (hard dissection with the axilla vessels and nerves of the arm).  The old implants were liquid silicon but have now been replaced with cohesive gel, which will not leak.

Instead of the surgery taking 1 to 2 hours, it took nearly 4 hours, to ensure that all traces of silicon were removed and to ensure the patient has new breasts that look like women's breasts.

10 days after surgery and making good progress

10 days after surgery and getting the right shape

The surgeon asked the patient to have an adjustment, so he could make the breasts perfect, but the patient is so happy with the results, she does not want to have any more work.  Have to admit, they are a great improvement on the old ones!


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Cosmetic Surgery Abroad   |   Page last updated 17 October 2018